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Cute & Simple Holiday Gift Wrapping Ideas That’ll Leave the Receiver in Awe!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

I love gift wrapping over putting something in a box or a bag. It feels more personal and unique when you know the person took the time to sit down and wrap a gift. Additionally, it’s even more special when they creatively cover the present. I’ve always been on the lookout for inventive ways to do just that. Here are just a few ideas I found that I think would be great ways to wrap a gift and leave the receiver in awe.


Add Photos

  • Make it personal by sticking on a photo of you and the person you are giving it to. The photo can be a way of reminiscing. Write a message on the back to finish it off and they’ll love it!

Driving Home With A Tree

  • I think this one has to be my favorite idea! I’m going to try to do this because I honestly can’t get over how adorable this one is. If you can’t draw, like me, just print out a stencil and trace it.


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Chalkboard Gift Wrap

  • You can find this gift wrap in many stores nowadays. This one is a very personal one since you can write and draw whatever you desire on it such as inside jokes, personal notes, etc.

Brown Paper Packages

  • “Brown paper packages tied up with string, these are a few of my favorite things.” I think Julie Andrews got it right. I love the traditional look of plain brown paper and you can add so many things to it like bows, ribbons, stickers, lace, etc.

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*Cover Photo Source

I hope these ideas helped you get more creative when wrapping presents this holiday season!

