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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

With Winter Break on the horizon, so are finals. As the semester is winding down, the assignments definitely are not. Essays, research papers, presentations, exams, and projects have got me looking left and right for the panic button. No matter what kind of student you are or what classes you’re taking, the weeks building up to finals are always busy and stressful. So, here are some small tips that have the power to alleviate your stress, boost productivity and ace those finals. 


1.) Make a Plan. 

Within the first week or two before finals, I write down a study plan. When writing down what I want to achieve each day, I try to break down large projects into managable chunks. Also, writing down what I want to get done keeps me more accounatable as well as organized.  


2.) Try Your Best to Avoid Late-night Cram Sessions.

Everyone procrastinates. And believe me, I’m the queen of procrastination. However, late-nighters are often more harmful than helpful beause you might not be studying as effectively as you think you are. Therefore, try to limit yourself and go to bed at a reasonable hour instead of being up til 4am. 


3.) Take a Break.

When you are studying for long periods of time, always give yourself a break. While it may seem counterproductive, it will sharpen your focus for when you return to your notes. Hello Buzzfeed… 


4.) Walk Around.

So, you’ve been writing this paper that’s due tomorrow and you’ve been working at your laptop for the past 3 hours. Take a walk! By removing yourself from your study space, it really helps clear your mind and relax. Writing while stressed is no fun and the stress often gets in the way of your concentration. Also, walking to grab a quick snack isn’t a bad idea either. 


5.) Reward Yourself.

Give yourself incentives and motivation to get something done. After finishing that reading, you deserve it! 


6.) Go to Your Professor. 

 Professors know their final exam inside and out. If you are feeling lost on a concept or feel overwhelmed, go into their office hours. Don’t ever be embaressed to ask for help. Their advice is often a time-saver and a grade-saver. 


7. ) And Remember, Breathe.

It’s good to step back from your work and just take a deep breath. And remember, you’ve got this. 


And after finals, you can party just like Buddy. 

Image Sources: Thumbnail, Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5, Image 6, Image 7, Image 8, Image 9