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8 Factors of Longevity

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

It’s getting to be that point when stress seems to be everywhere you turn. Something I love about this school, however, is that some of my classes have actually taught me how to deal with stress: to just slow down and take a moment. In my developmental psychology class, we talked about the “8 factors of longevity”, and I thought it might be beneficial to share because sometimes we all need to be reminded of the simplicity of life.


Move Naturally

The St. Olaf campus allows us to get some good walking in when we go to and from classes. But you could also consider taking your bike to downtown Northfield or taking a leisurely stroll down Ole Ave.




It’s important to feel like you mean something in this world. You might not know exactly what you want to do after you graduate, but know that whatever you do will matter. Take time to volunteer and help others, because it can leave you feeling really good about yourself.




Take a breath and slow down. Do what you love, and love what you do.



80% Rule

This means to stop eating when you are 80% full. It is easy to police others while in the caf by looking at their trays and seeing how much food they have. What’s important is that you don’t eat until you can’t eat another bite, because that is not necessarily always healthy.


Plant Slant

Add more leafy greens to your diet! (something that is not too hard to do in the caf)



It is important to know that you are loved and supported by other family members, friends and professors. Remember that home is not a place, but a feeling, and you should feel like you belong there.


Putting loved ones first

Take time out of your busy schedule to call someone or send them a letter. And flowers on friday are always a good idea. :)



Right Tribe

Surround yourself with people that respect you, care for you and love you. Allow them to support you and let you be the best person you can be.



80% rule , plant slant