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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Law U chapter.

If you’re going to spend a year waking up in the same room as your roommate, it’s important to make sure you guys have a good relationship. In a lot of cases, roommates tend to be each other’s best friends, which is awesome! But if that’s not your case and you’re just trying to have a solid understanding relationship with your roomie, try to follow a few of these guidelines

  1. Always be friendly- Even if you’re having a bad day, bad blood between you and your roommate will make everything even worse. Give them a friendly good morning, or wish them good luck on their presentation or exam; a little friendliness never hurt nobody!

  2. Keep your stuff on your side of the room!- Just try to keep all of your stuff on your side of the room! I know sometimes after a long day you just kick your shoes and pants off and get in bed, but try to kick it all off onto your side. If your messy, keep your mess on your side. Boundaries are key in a healthy rooming situation.

  3. Respect their sleeping hours- Nothing is worse than not being able to sleep when you’re exhausted or have big plans or class the next day. Try to always have an idea of when your roomie is going to bed that night, so you don’t storm out and make a huge commotion after a fun night out and wake them up.

  4. Also, respect their waking hours- As well as being careful not to wake them up when they’re asleep, try not to wake them up the next morning either; it’s as easy as not slamming doors or drawers, not blowdrying your hair in the room, trying to keep limited lights on, etc. Let her sleep, everyone needs their beauty rest!

  5. Be cautious of who you have over- Whether it’s your rowdy group of friends ordering Sergi’s after the Tick Tock, or the cute boy you met at Java, don’t put your roommate in an uncomfortable situation. If having someone over (boys or girls) is something you might want to do, have a conversation with your roommate about it BEFORE she has strangers coming into her room.

  6. At least try to have a little fun with them, even if you’re not that close!- Ask them to go to dinner or to go get ice cream! Even if you need someone to go to the library with. I know seeing them every day of the week may get a little tiresome, but a roomie is a lifelong friend, make sure you both give each other someone to rely on.