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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

Exam week is upon us and stress levels have reached unforeseen levels. For many, stress eating is the main outlet for releasing these feelings, and because becoming someone who goes for a 10-mile run to unwind is nowhere in the forecast for most of us, here are some tips to avoiding the emotional eating and regrets that follow finals.

1. Keep snacks out of your living space.

Especially if you study at home, its hard to resist grabbing snacks that are just steps away. Avoid buying a surplus of snacks when grocery shopping. You will thank yourself for doing this when you’re  trying to clean and move out after exams!

2. Chew gum.

Who wants to eat a bag of potato chips when you have the taste of minty freshness lingering in your mouth? Chewing gum also has shown to increase focus while distracting you from unnecessary cravings.

3. Prepack snacks for the library.

…and don’t bring your wallet! Vending machines are particularly alluring when you can use your credit card on them. Avoid the temptation by packing healthy snacks in case you get hungry.

4. Plan your meals for the week.

Before your weeks get too crazy, figure out what meals you can make ahead of time that will be quick, keep you full, and are capable of studying. It’s easy to slip and binge on fast food when nothing is readily available or planned.

5. Drink more water.

Being thirsty can sometimes be perceived as hunger. Drinking water as much as possible will prevent these false alarms and also keep you awake, alert, and hydrated. Adding lemon can also suppress your appetite from getting out of hand. If you love soda, try seltzer water for an equally refreshing and healthy drink!

6. Plan your next treat.

It’s not healthy to completely give up foods you love. Instead of abandoning all junk food at once, then cracking and spiraling out of, give yourself a limit. If you tell yourself you can have a piece of chocolate after you finish three chapters of review, you will feel less enticed by other treats because you know you have one coming up! You also won’t feel as guilty about eating it.

Finals are approaching at a furious pace, but you’re cool as a cucumber. Don’t let stress get the best of you. You got this!

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