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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

“It’s totally up to you, babe”. Too many of us have been hit with this phrase and have struggled to decide how to spend our next date night.  But, struggle no more. Here’s a list of a few different date night ideas that are cheap and don’t force you to leave the house!

1. Have a pizza night, but make it from scratch.

Forget Dominos and Papa Johns. For a fun date idea, make your own pizzas together.  Go to the store and grab pizza dough, cheese, sauce and your favorite toppings and then you’re guaranteed to not have to leave the house for your date night.  Have fun and get creative!

2. Have a movie night.

Friday night could mean going out or staying in with your significant other and having a movie night.  With blankets, movie snacks and that Netflix original you’ve both been eying, a movie night is the perfect combination of cuddles and relaxation.

3. Make ice cream sundaes.

Take a second and think about this – when was the last time you made yourself an over-the-top ice cream sundae, piled high with your favorite toppings? Whether it was last night or five years ago, there’s never a bad time for a sundae. Grab all your favorite toppings and see what creations you and your SO can think up. 

4. Have a spa night.

For some of us, a spa night may result in a hard pass from our partners. But, for those lucky ones, grab some face masks (there are special ones for men), throw together some lemon water and light a candle for a chill night in with your SO.

5. Start a new show.

An easy, but go-to date idea that never fails.  That show that you and your SO have been talking about, start it! Get comfy and get into a new show that you both can look forward to watching when you hang out.

6. To avoid future struggles on what to do for your date night…

Put together a container filled with future date ideas. Grab some popsicle sticks and sit down with your SO to write down ideas for different things you can do for the next time you’re chilling at home on a Friday night. Decorate a mason jar and fill them with all of your ideas so you can avoid ~the struggle~ of figuring out what to do.

Skip out on watching the go-to TV show that you and your partner put on every night. Switch up your date night and try something new for a change. 

Katie Graybill

South Carolina '20

Katie is a journalism student at the University of South Carolina. She loves the beach, traveling, writing, and spending time with her pets!