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5 Things NOT To Do During Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

1. Fall into the Law & Order: SVU marathon trap

I know that every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday USA drowns us in unlimited episodes of this very addicting show, but don’t do it! Even though everyone needs their Elliot Stabler fix every now and then, finals week is not the time, so turn off the TV and get to those books!

Tip: For every two to three hours you study, reward yourself with one episode. This way you won’t overload your brain, and after that break you’ll feel refreshed and ready to study more.

2. Allow your friends to talk you into going out when you should be studying

Ok, so classes are officially over, that means party, party, party, right?! Wrong answer. We all know well in advance when our exams are and our personal study habits, so don’t get sucked into going out when that final is at 9 the next morning. If your friends really love you, they’ll stay in with you and keep you motivated.

Tip: Find out when all of you and your friend’s exams are over, and schedule a girl’s day/night out the day after, so you can all relax and have a good time without leaving anyone out.

3. Pull all-nighters

Contrary to popular belief, this is not the way to do things, especially during finals week. Not only does this make you crazy, but most of the stuff you think you’re remembering at the wee hours of the morning really aren’t being retained. You’ll get up, go take that one exam you stayed up all night for and then feel like you need to crash for weeks, but what about those other two exams you have tomorrow? Yeah, you get the point.

Tip: If you feel like you have to be up for longer than usual, eat healthy snacks to keep your energy up. Also, power naps work miracles!

4. Forget the times of your exams

You know that all-nighter you pulled, well it’s caught up to you because now you’re super late for exam! Exams are always set at very weird times, so don’t be that person who comes in huffing and puffing and sweating because they had to run to get to the exam on time. Or that person who walks in the wrong class because they thought it was their exam time. Awkward.

Tip: Post sticky notes with your class name and exam time in a place you look frequently, then you can’t possibly forget them.

5. Stress out

Breathe! Woo-sah! Everything is going to be ok. Finals can be very stressful, but don’t let them stress you out to the point of you going crazy. Stressing is never healthy, and we need to be in tip top shape to ace those finals!

Tip: Don’t wait until the last minute to study. Plan your week out as much as you possibly can, and try to follow that schedule.

Now ladies, show those finals who’s really the boss!