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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sonoma chapter.

With finals around the corner (literally next week) chances are your anxiety is starting to rise. With so much to do in so little time finals may seem like they will be the death of you this year, but fear not! I have included five simple things to remember while preparing for what may seem the biggest tests of your semester.

1. Be realistic about how much time you need to study.  You probably know by now which finals you need to kickass in and spend more time studying and which ones you do not need to start reviewing a week in advanced. Plan out how much time you want to spend on each subject ahead of time, that way you know what to study for each day.


2. C’s get degrees. This is probably something that you’ve been joking around with your friends since freshman year, and at this point in your college education this is probably the truest thing in your life right now. Just remember that you can get a college degree, but there is more to finding your dream job!


3. Think about how far you’ve come. We are all so caught up with making grades for this semester that we’re probably stressing about that extra credit we should have done or about how you spent the weekends going out instead of at home studying. Instead, think about how you’re trying to get it together now and are busting your behind to make it happen, that is what really counts.


4. Make time for yourself.  Throughout all of the big ball of stress remember to breathe! Schedule some down time every day to do things that you enjoy. Use this time to watch an episode, take a nap, or hang out with friends. This will help you refresh between study sessions.


5. Have an incentive.  Think about a prize or reward for yourself that you will earn when finals are over. That way, whenever you are feeling unmotivated think about that fancy restaurant you will go to, or about an amazing night out that you will have when finals are over!


Regardless of how you choose to study just remember that a long awaited vacation comes after finals, happy studying!


Related Articles:

Tips and Tricks for Understanding the GE pattern – http://www.hercampus.com/school/sonoma-state/tips-and-tricks-understanding-ge-pattern-and-registration

7 Stages of the Semester As Told By Grey’s Anatomy – http://www.hercampus.com/school/sonoma-state/stages-semester-told-greys-anatomy-1

Gaby Medina is a third year at Sonoma State University majoring in Business Admin. She grew up by the beach in a small Hispanic community in Santa Cruz Country, CA; where she was raised in a Mexican household. She loves dogs, tacos, wine and to write articles that others can relate too. She also loves being honest about experiences she's been through in hopes will help others going through the same things. She hopes to work for one of her favorite companies one day like Twitter,  Netflix, or Anastasia Beverly Hills. 
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