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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.


Image by Catheryn Lavery


Let’s be honest, dealing with emotional problems can be one of the hardest things to do when we’re on our own, out in the “real world”, still trying to figure out who we are and who we want to become. Oftentimes, it is hard to find someone to talk to about heavy topics, especially when we feel like we don’t want to burden anyone with our seemingly endless stream of stress and anxiety. So, a solution to that specific problem is simple – buy a journal. Here’s why:

Journaling gives us the perfect platform to reflect on our day, allowing us to think carefully about actions, events or emotions that pertain to us and the world that surrounds us. Reflection can be extremely beneficial for those who are looking to become more in tune with their emotions throughout each day, as it can be an extremely grounding and humbling process.

Journaling teaches us a lesson in independence. After transitioning to college and becoming entirely self-sufficient, it is important to be able to handle any of our own emotional problems that may arise throughout our lives, rather than calling our moms crying. Journaling can allow us to work through problems on paper, to reach a logical solution that works best for us in each situation at hand.

Journaling allows us to fine tune our writing skills without the judgment of our peers or professors. A personal journal can act as a great place to practice different writing styles in order to convey various emotions or stories we may be writing about. Keep in mind that the best thing about journaling is that you can write anything you please in it, so keep your creative mind open when writing. This will allow for your writing to become more personal and descriptive of you now.

While journaling has many other benefits, it is also the number one way to procrastinate effectively. Rather than binge-watching Netflix (again) or scrolling through Instagram (again), journaling is still accomplishing something, while we are supposed to be doing something else.

Also, if you are looking for a fun way to spice up your agenda, try bullet journaling! It is an easy way to express creativity and to organize any events or assignments. If you’re looking into bullet journaling, but are scared to take the plunge, try watching YouTube videos or doing Pinterest research about the subject. I also highly recommend investing in a cute journal and some colorful pens to add to the excitement of bullet journaling, so that it is easier to personalize to your liking.

So, try journaling for a few says and see how you like it!

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Kaitlyn is currently a freshman at Southern Methodist University studying Advertising and Fashion Media. She is from San Diego, California where she spends the majority of her free time driving down the coast. Her hobbies include trying new beauty products, finding the best Mac & Cheese, and petting every dog she crosses paths with. 
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