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What to Do If You’ve Already Broken Your New Year’s Resolutions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

I am one of those rare people who actually enjoys making New Year’s resolutions. I understand that they are usually cheesy, yet I find them extremely helpful with determining what I want to accomplish in the upcoming year.

The trick to keeping one’s New Year’s Resolutions has to do with picking the right ones in the first place. Resolutions need to be measurable. Attempting to “be more outgoing” is not a good resolution, yet “make a new friend each month” is, because it’s measurable. So if you have already failed your New Year’s resolutions, I say start over! Your resolution was probably too extreme, or not easily quantified. If you wanted to work out every day, that’s nonsense, maybe instead try working out five days a week. If you simply wanted to eat healthier, maybe try to make sure you eat at least two servings of fruit and veggies each day. When your resolutions are easily measured, you are more willing to keep up with them!  

Catherine Lehman is a senior at Southern Methodist University studying Psychology and English. When she is not neftlixing or chilling in her sorority house she can be found at Nekter eating an Acai Bowl.
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