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Release the Stress

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

It’s that time of the semester again. FINALS. Students are miserable, and stress is everywhere. While there is no way around these miserable weeks, there are things you can do to help deal with the stress!


1.     Exercise

Exercising has proven to be one of the best things someone can do to relieve stress and let off steam. Not only will you feel so much better about yourself, but it will clear your head and help you study better. If the weather is nice, take a jog outside. The fresh air will do wonders.


2.     Study buddies

It is extremely beneficial for most people to study with someone. It is more fun, but it also helps to get another set of notes in case you missed a class or did not write everything the professor said down. Just make sure to study and not get distracted, which is definitely not easy for everyone!


3.     Dress comfortably and warmly

It is so much easier to study when you are wearing comfortable clothing. Also, the library gets so cold make sure to bring a sweatshirt.


4.     Nourish yourself

Make sure to eat well and drink enough water. Take care of yourself! Bring snacks to the library, and take breaks every so often. No one can sit for five hours straight without a break.


5.     SLEEP

Sleeping is one of the most important things to do. Lack of sleep makes you irritable, more stressed, depressed, and unable to concentrate.


6.     Do “you”

No one can study all day everyday for a week straight. It is okay to take a personal day! Whether you want to take a day off from studying and spend time with yourself, get a manicure, or go to dinner and a movie with friends, do it! Treat yo self!


Good luck, yall!