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Running with a Friend As Told by Brooklyn Nine-Nine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

I love running, but running sucks.


You have your good days when the runner’s high feels like it might never end, and the bad days when you actually can’t remember how to lift your legs off the ground. Thankfully, I’ve learned that the best addition to the good days and the best remedy for the bad is having someone there with you! The guys and gals of Brooklyn Nine-Nine might not be hobby joggers themselves, but boy do they know how important it is to have pals by your side! Here is a little sneak peak of what goes on when my bff (Mare) and I run our little hearts out.   


First, we try to get each other amped. Like I said before, running can kind of suck, but once we get going boy do we have a blast.  


We always put on some tunes for optimal entertainment. The Spotify playlists we throw on are, quite honestly, very random. Sometimes if we’re really down in the dumps, the “playlist” is just a never ending loop of The B-52’s ‘Love Shack’ and Christina Aguilera’s ‘Come On Over (All I Want Is You).’ A jam is a jam, am I right?   


And when the running gets tough we can always whine together. Being miserable alone is 100% worse than being miserable with somebody else!! Drowning in our sorrows for a few miles together may seem ridiculous, but it can definitely be necessary at times. Be as dramatic as possible. I swear it helps.    


To distract each other from our painful, miserable times out on the open road, we usually end up talking about all of the strange things that come to mind. These are things that we wouldn’t normally have the chance to bring up in everyday conversation. It’ll usually start with something like “Have you ever thought about…” or “Oh, I was reading this article the other day and…”



Sometimes, there are days when we realize that there is no common free time in our daily schedules to run together. In this case, we’ll sacrifice our sleep, wake up at 6:00am, meet up, look at each other only to realize we’ve actually gone crazy, and get the miles in.  


The best part about running with a pal is the constant congratulations we give each other throughout the day.  


So, if you’ve got a friend and a desire to exercise, I highly suggest getting your run on!!!  





Image 1: https://media.giphy.com/media/3oEduLo9k7Ep1THORG/giphy.gif

Image 2: https://i1.wp.com/ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2015-07/7/22/enhanced/webdr08/anigif_enhanced-buzz-22975-1436320815-5.gif

Image 3: https://media.giphy.com/media/xTiTnlrpMEz8o3bM3K/giphy.gif

Image 4: https://media.giphy.com/media/rU3ecqMcXoCB2/giphy.gif

Image 5: https://media.giphy.com/media/l4Jz7pKT4QdgR3bCE/source.gif

Image 6: https://media.giphy.com/media/d2ZeMUDQSSsCP9FC/giphy.gif

Clip Clop: https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2014-09/18/16/enhanced/webdr09/anigif_enhanced-3968-1411073726-1.gif