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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

Before coming to St. Mikes I was merely a recreational yogi. Doing a class here and there while secretly admiring those who could stretch and bend in ways I could never imagine myself being able to do. The opportunities around campus and in the Burlington area have opened my eyes to the importance of yoga. It is not about the flexibility or the people around you while you are practicing it is about connecting yourself with your breath. It has become almost a necessity in my life to set aside some time to do yoga to focus on myself, stretch, relax, connect, reflect, and just breathe.

Here are a few of my favorite poses that help me get through the day.


Cat-Cow – “Marharyasana” and “Bitilasana”

This is a great stretch to do when you wake up in the morning (or after a nap) or after exercising. The gentle transition between poses helps stretch the back and neck and opens up the chest for deeper breathing. Start in the table top position (on your hands and knees) and inhale dropping your belly towards the floor and lift your chin and chest while gazing up into the cow pose. Exhale, drawing your belly to your spine and round your back towards the ceiling letting your head and gaze drop to the floor for cat. Flow between these two poses transitioning to cow on the inhales and cat on the exhales.


Pigeon – “Eka Pada Hajakapotasana”

This is a great pose to help stretch your hip flexors. It’s one of those hurts so good kind of stretches. This is a pose that really helps expose your emotions. I know if I’m having a good day or not when I get in to pigeon because I either love it or hate it. Begin in table top position or downward facing dog and extend one leg behind you inhaling and then exhale bringing your knee to the front with your heel aligned with the opposite hip.

Make sure you are on the top of your back knee and thigh and your foot is flat and the the entire leg is inlined with the hip socket. You can hold your torso upright for this position or begin to slowly lower forward to stretch deeper as tolerated. Repeat with the opposite leg noting that you may be able to stretch deeper on one side more than the other.


Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose – “Viparita Karani”

I find myself in this pose probably too often. I love to workout and run but am not always good about stretching before and or after so I tend to end up with super tight hamstrings. I find this is a great way to help relax my legs while stretching out my “hammi’s.” It’s pretty simple as you lie on your back with your tail bone as close to the wall as comfortable and your legs extended up the wall with the backs of your legs resting against it. You can also try placing a folded up blanket under your lower back for more support. This is an easy pose you can hang out in for 10-15 minutes to get grounded and relaxed.


Child’s Pose – “Balasana”

This is the resting pose most commonly used in yoga classes. Whenever you need to recenter or take a few moments, as yoga can be sweatier than most people perceive, you can come to this pose. Begin with the tops of your feet and knees on the floor with your knees spread apart and feet together. Slowly rest your torso between your legs and stretch your arms out in front of you letting your head be supported by the floor. I love to do this pose when I need a second to not be doing all the homework I had procrastinated till last minute. It’s nice to take this moment to rest and regain focus before getting back to work.


Corpse Pose – “Shavasana”

Sometimes I feel I only go to yoga class for the Shavasana at the end. To lay back and relax and have someone talk in a smooth, calming voice telling you to wipe your mind clear is honestly the best. For this pose you simply lie on your back on with your eyes closed and arms relaxed and neutral at your side, palms facing up and legs splayed at hip width. This is often thought as the most important and difficult pose as you must have the right mental focus to let go but also stay in the present. I find it’s a great way to clear my mind and de-stress.



Photo 1: https://lavenderandlux.com/tag/proper-posture/

Photo 2: https://thoughtfullymag.com/how-to-properly-do-pigeon-pose/

Photo 3: https://www.doyouyoga.com/5-health-benefits-legs-wall-posture/

Photo 4: http://www.yogajournal.com/article/beginners/balasana/

Photo 5: https://yoga.com/pose/corpse-pose

Cover photo: http://www.hotelmilosantabarbara.com/blog/santa-barbara-yoga-park/


CC for HC SMCVT. Massachusetts girl, who somehow ended up in Northern Vermont. Senior at Saint Michel's College studying Media, Journalism & Digital Arts. Interests include: running, Bridesmaids, bagels, the color navy and guacamole. Firm believer that you can never be overdressed or overeducated.