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I Woke Up Like This: Why I Rarely Wear Makeup Anymore

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

In high school, I refused to leave the house unless my makeup was done. I never wore very much, but at least foundation, a little blush, mascara, and light eyeshadow. This was mostly the case when going to school, as I feared what others would think. The little makeup I did wear felt like a coat of armor; without it, I felt defenseless.

Fast-forward to life here at Saint Mike’s. I rarely wear more than one coat of mascara, if that. When discussing this with friends, I found this occurrence not to be uncommon. In high school, appearance was everything. Here, it certainly is not. All our time is put towards our classes, extracurricular, work-study, etc.  With this, appearance doesn’t really seem to matter. I’m no longer afraid to go to class wearing a sweatshirt, glasses, and no makeup. My skin has less breakouts, and I save time in the morning getting ready. Even on days when I could spend time doing my makeup, I usually don’t. I’ve become more confident.

If wearing makeup makes you more confident, then I say wear as much as you want. The quantity of how much you wear isn’t what matters. What matters is how you feel. At the same time, I think we should all make it a point to become more comfortable in our own skin. So let’s take a piece of advice from Beyoncé, and proudly declare at our 8 am that we “woke up like this; we flawless.”



Pic source: Beyonces-poem-to-blue-ivy-is-simply-divine.gif


CC for HC SMCVT. Massachusetts girl, who somehow ended up in Northern Vermont. Senior at Saint Michel's College studying Media, Journalism & Digital Arts. Interests include: running, Bridesmaids, bagels, the color navy and guacamole. Firm believer that you can never be overdressed or overeducated.