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Good and Bad Things I Do as a Suitemate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

Living in a suite with 8 girls can be tricky.  Little things come up all the time that we do that annoy each other, so here’s a list of things I am definitely guilty of doing at one time or another:


1. Leaving my shower supplies all over the shower.

2. Not cleaning up after myself in the common room.

3. Forgetting about old food in the fridge.

4. Singing too loudly/listening to music too loudly.

5. Dirty dishes!!!!


Okay I’m not only a terrible roommate, so here are some good roommate things I do!!


1. Make people coffee, smoothies, or pancakes in the morning!

2. Offer to pick up something from the store when I go out.

3. Make sure we have toilet paper, paper towels, and other cleaning supplies.

4. Leave a bag of candy in the common room for everyone to enjoy.

5. Take out the trash and recycling in the common room and vacuum!



Image 1: https://cdn.mamamia.com.au/wp/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/10014530/77980-emma-stone-singing-shower-gif-lW3B.gif

Image 2: https://media.giphy.com/media/s6sqvp1fmKbx6/giphy.gif

Image 3: https://media.giphy.com/media/NXUUAl4CblqjS/giphy.gif

Image 4: https://article.images.consumerreports.org/prod/content/dam/cro/news_articles/home_garden/Cleaning_supplies

Image 5: https://media1.tenor.com/images/1ea395832be2713d0ba1366c4a831311/tenor.gif?itemid=3532402

Image 6: https://media.giphy.com/media/3o6gaZnEUUDuQ2Pu24/giphy.gif

Image 7: http://cdn.gurl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/635639551143689914-1310429274_messy.gif

Image 8: http://2nd2nada.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/delicious-pancake.gif

Image 9: https://m.popkey.co/3b473a/e0L7e_s-200×150.gif


CC for HC SMCVT. Massachusetts girl, who somehow ended up in Northern Vermont. Senior at Saint Michel's College studying Media, Journalism & Digital Arts. Interests include: running, Bridesmaids, bagels, the color navy and guacamole. Firm believer that you can never be overdressed or overeducated.