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The Choice Is Yours: The Power Of Positivity

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

Under the right conditions, negativity, like a warm blooded creature, can thrive into a giant, belittling beast. To name a few, these conditions may be lack of sleep, outside stress, anxiety, hardship, uncertainty with yourself or relationships, or a combination of all of them. One may become trapped in a toxic cycle of negativity, over thinking seemingly simple situations and finding tasks daunting. Deadlines may start to feel like a skyscraper, impossible to climb and terrifying to peer over the edge of. The way in which you choose your words and communicate with those around you as well as with yourself can become very harsh and well, negative. This takes the shape of constantly complaining about things when you talk to people rather than finding the good in situations. However, under a better set of right conditions, positivity can allow your life to flourish into something brighter and lighter. The beast that is negativity will shrink in the light that you create.

The cliches of “glass half full”, “looking on the bright side”, “sunny side up”, and “waking up the right side of the bed”, all assume your positive position. But these cliches are not based on luck, they are a matter of vision. How you perceive your situation, or choose to change your attitude toward the situation determine the truth in these cliches. A shift in perspective can open your eyes to a world of possibility that your previously negative attitude left in a shroud of darkness.

For me, there was a definite shift in the tides of my life when I made the conscious choice to be a more positive person. I was not restored overnight, and I still struggle as it is, but I know how good it feels to have a healthy and  positive perspective to life, and I know that is what I want so I strive for it. I am in a constant conversation with myself, evaluating whether or not my actions and words fit into the positive mold in which I want to present myself. I do it for myself, as well as for others. I want to feel positive within myself, and leave the people around me feeling well and uplifted.

No one goes about it the same way, but here are a few things to give a try in order to have a more positive mindset and happy life.


  1. Be open to changing your attitude. Without wanting to change little improvement is really possible.

  2. Evaluate. Not too much, but take stock. What are you feeling? Can you identify why you feel this and what may be causing it? Is what is going on inside and around really as bad as you may be thinking or is it the way you are allowing yourself to see it?

  3. Smile. Smile with yourself, smile at others.

  4. Write down or think about a few things that you are grateful for. Whether it be the roof over your head, the trees outside your window, your cat or best friends. Take time to appreciate the good around you.

  5. Think before you speak, and then speak positively. It does little good to hate something you have no control over, and then lay that on someone else. Rather than putting out negative words and energy, practice making your vocabulary lighter and more positively toned. You will feel good making others feel good too.

  6. When poop hits the fan, embrace it. When you spill something, laugh and clean it up. Try not to let a small thing that is fairly unsubstantial ruin a good day. Even with something bigger try to always keep things in perspective.

  7. Realize the difference between complaining about something and constructively sorting out a problem.

  8. Every day is the chance to do something different, try something out and let loose. Sing, dance, dress a little funkier for the fun of it.

  9. Wake up and choose to have a good day, accept what may go wrong but work through it.

  10. Read articles, watch TED talks and documentaries and educate yourself on the power of your attitude, happiness and positivity.


Sometimes when I’m overwhelmed I think about it and realize, I am here just to live. All the rest is something created to have a full and happy life. So those tests and relationships become less significant in terms of mental weight because while important in this moment or this track that is college, in the grand scheme of things, they don’t have to be so daunting. Kept simple they are challenges that can be made fun. I say it all the time, “It’ll work out” because I truly believe that everything always does, some way or another.  Everything around us moves so fast and can be overwhelming, but luckily we always get to choose how we act and react. So if ever you’re having a hard time, try to take a step back and make choices that will improve your vision to see more positively, and make each day your best yet.

When I needed a reminder of all this one of my cherished friends sent me a poem that her dad, David Bibbey, had written for her in years past titled “I Could Choose”. It was something of a gift that I will hold close to me and remind myself of when I need it most and I think it could help others alike.


My daddy said to me

On our way to school

“Who are you going to be today?”

What happened is kind of cool


I said…”I don’t know”

He said: “Well, who should I ask?”

I said “Ok! Here I go! I accept the task!”



I could choose ‘angry’

Stomping round and round

Beating both my fists

Upon the dirty ground



I could choose ‘frustrated’

Tearing out my hair

Intolerant and annoyed

Full of my despair



I could choose ‘confident’

And look you in the eye

Going for it fully

No shilly shally try



I could choose ‘bored’

What is there to do?!

Are we nearly there?

Oh, and Dad, I need a poo.



I could choose ‘happy’

A cat that got the cream

So happy in point of fact

I think I may just scream



Wow!!.. Now I get it!

Do you see? At any moment, who I am being

Is up to no else but me!


CC for HC SMCVT. Massachusetts girl, who somehow ended up in Northern Vermont. Senior at Saint Michel's College studying Media, Journalism & Digital Arts. Interests include: running, Bridesmaids, bagels, the color navy and guacamole. Firm believer that you can never be overdressed or overeducated.