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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

Everyone is going to experience change in their lives and fearing this change will not help. It will add unnecessary stress to our lives. Here are some facts on change to help you cope:

  • You never know what is going to happen. There is always a chance that you will be pleasantly surprised. Society teaches us to think of change negatively. Change can be positive too. Shift your mindset to all the great opportunities this could bring into your life.
  • There is slim to none chance that the worst-case scenario will happen. Sometimes you will catch your mind going all over the place. It is so easy to get caught up in all the “what ifs”. Bring your mind back to the now. When you start becoming more realistic the change won’t look so scary.
  • Change is going to occur. It is one of those things in life you can’t control. Whether or not you like what’s changing it will happen. The more time you spend in denial the less prepared you will be. Focusing on the things that you can control will help the change become easier to deal with.
  • Change is a necessary component of growth. We often fear change because it is unknown. Think of it as a new skill you are going to learn and master. This change will teach you something about yourself you might have never known. Understand your potential and being open to growth.


  • You are stronger than you think you are. You have done this before. Remind yourself of the things you are really good at and have accomplished. Look inward and find the strength that got you through the other challenging aspects of your life. Things may be hard, but you will survive, I promise.
Writer for Her Campus at SLU. Freshman, Studying Psychology and minoring in Women's and Gender studies. Involved in Kappa Delta, Active Minds, and Rainbow Alliance. Passionate about women's rights, mental health, Dobermans, and slushies.