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The Importance of Finding the Undisturbed Moment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

            We as a society have become a notification-craving people, constantly looking for the next contraption that will preoccupy our time and fulfill us with fleeting moments of euphoria. As a result, we have lost those crucial moments of utter silence. It is in these moments that we allow ourselves to decompress and completely explore the depths of our minds. The importance of setting aside allotted time for contemplation becomes essential in order for us to find meaning within ourselves. There is immense value in these silenced moments, but these days they can be easily avoided or regarded as unimportant when compared to the list of activities that we pack into our lives. While I am still trying to figure out how to structure a daily silent contemplation session, I can offer up three habits that I’ve found have helped me to assert structured silence in my life.

1. Go for a walk and leave your phone at home.

Sometimes it can be difficult to dive right in to just sitting in silence. Therefore, in order to encourage the same practice of contemplation, while not fully immersing yourself in mediation, a solitary walk can be a good place to start. I have also found that outside sources can stimulate thoughts and encourage a train of thought that otherwise might never have taken off.

2. Always keep a journal handy.

Even if you are not into writing, there are always moments or conversations that can inspire contemplation. As soon as you feel your inspiration, write it down and then revisit these entries later. Without even realizing it, you are already immersed in your thoughts and discovering the depths of your mind.

3. After you wake up, set a timer for 10 minutes and enjoy a silent cup of coffee.

Not only does this wake you up, but it allows you a few moments to yourself in which you can refresh your mind and get in touch with your train of thought. Putting this time aside might mean that you have to wake up a couple of minutes earlier, but at the risk of losing a couple minutes of sleep, you will feel more refreshed and in tune with starting your day.

            If you follow these few starter habits, you will find that the time that you set aside will be filled with a rewarding exploration of your own mind. These steps are simple and definitely rewarding. While you may have to change a couple aspects of your day-to-day life, as soon as these steps become daily habits, there will be a dramatic increase in your relationship with your thoughts and an increase in your overall handle on life. We are constantly looking at screens, which directly inhibits our ability to truly understand ourselves. So next time you are mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, put down your device, sit in uncomfortable silence, and see where your mind takes you.