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Top 5 Most Important Factors of Journalism

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ship chapter.

Top 5 Most Important Factors of Journalism

Communications and journalism are all about spreading the word by text or talk. Without the technology and skills we have today, receiving news would be extremely slow and difficult to obtain. Here are the top five most important factors that go into being the “perfect” journalist:

1. Connections

Because of all the news sources, blogs, and big name brands we have today, independent writers have a harder time getting their name out there. Building a network of local news stations, professors, companies, and more will help you gain the credibility and publicity you need. Some helpful ways to get started include: creating a good relationship with professors, joining clubs, such as PRSSA (http://prssa.prsa.org) and the newspaper, and going to talks organized by your school. Meet with the speaker at the end and ask questions if given the chance. Finally, don’t forget to follow up with LinkedIn to electronically connect as well.

2. Communication Skills

Being confident and professional with your speech is key. Building good relationships with bosses, co-workers, and other companies will result in others wanting to come to you with projects and/or help. Being negative or inappropriate towards others can result in a loss of a job, loss of a sponsor, or more.

3. Portfolios

Gathering writing samples from different classes and/or clubs and putting them in one folder is always a good idea. Some companies, whether applying for a job or an internship, will ask for samples. Companies want to see that you are able to write any kind of article whether it be a press release, a blog, or articles in a school or local newspaper.





4. Flexibility

In the world of communications, everything is constantly changing. A good journalist must be prepared for anything. One day you could be writing a press release and planning a major event, the next day you’re out in the city interviewing the witnesses of an accident, and writing a news article about the latest presidential decision the next day. So, being a well-rounded journalist will put you on the very top of the list in the minds of a company or news station.

5. Timeliness

Although timeliness is a major factor for news articles, it also applies to the individual journalist. Keeping up with the news and current events is one of the most important qualities to have. No one wants to go online or turn the t.v. on to hear about news that happened last week. Being the first station to report a major event or happening will gain positive publicity. Along with keeping up with the news, the “perfect” journalist is able to discern whether the news is fake news or sourced legitimately.


I am a sophomore in college and am majoring in Comm/Journ. I love writing, making art, playing the piano, and listening to music! I want to some day write for a magazine or newspaper. My ultimate goal is to work for "Rolling Stones" magazine!