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Why You Should Change Your Bitter Opinion on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFU chapter.

Being a Valentine’s day baby, the big 14th of February has always been a day associated with happiness for me whether I found myself to be single or involved each year. Maybe this was because it was always a loving day for me full of family and friends celebrating alongside me. Now imagine my dismay every year during the month of my birthday when I hear the constant stream of people bitterly hating on this glorious day. If you make up part of the Anti-Vday demographic, then here’s a few reasons why you should change your viewpoint.


1. Appreciate Your Current Situation – Whether you are bitter because you are single or otherwise unhappy with your current status, take a step back and appreciate where you are. Be happy for everybody who are in a relationship and following the cliché celebrations with their beaus, because maybe it’s that in this moment, you are exactly where you need to be – to each their own.

2. Valentine’s Day Isn’t Just About Relationships – Sappy relationships aside, this is really a day that is meant for appreciating all of your loved ones. Bring your mom flowers, buy your friends chocolate, or simply extend an act of kindness and pay for coffee for the person behind you in line. Valentine’s day is meant to be a happy day of love for all of the people in your life whether they’re of the romantic capacity or not.

3. Don’t Bring Others Down – A lot of people perceive Valentine’s day as a corny day and tend to then hate on it. This day is one of love for all of the people in our lives, so stop bringing people down and shaming them for appreciating all of the amazing people in their lives.

Leigh is a 3rd year Communications major at Simon Fraser University. In her spare time she enjoys playing soccer, photography, and blogging. You can check her out further on Instagram, @itsavioletworld .
Terri is currently a fourth-year Communication major at Simon Fraser University and Campus Correspondent for Her Campus SFU. Hailing from Hong Kong and raised in Vancouver, she has grown to love the outdoors and mountains of BC. Her favourite pastimes are reading historical fiction, hiking, lying on the beach drinking mojitos and attempting to snowboard. You can get to know her more on Instagram and Twitter at @terriling.