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Michelangelo and My First Judgement

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

The Museum of Fine Arts in Houston has been offering this viewing of some famous works by the beloved Italian artist Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (commonly known as simply, Michelangelo). As a college student whose major is literally art, I was excited out of my mind to go see these pieces. 

            Of course, like any exhibit, you had to wait for a certain time before you could go into the section of the museum that held these timeless pieces. My time was at 11:30 am, so before then I walked around the museum with friends, looking at other works that stole my artistic heart. 

             Then, after waiting an hour or so, it was finally time to go see the Michelangelo display. My heart raced with excitement, as the thin paper in my hand was scanned and I was given a small box that would teach me about the pieces I was about to see with my own naked eyes. My arms flailed a bit, at my side as I walked into the room. 

            I was astounded by what I saw, and words can’t even express how I felt at that moment. My gaze wandered everywhere, and my mind was soaring. Though, the one piece that caught me so was “Last Judgement”. I had learned about this piece during my studying Art history, and I’ve always admired it.  

Bri Bell was a writer for SFASU Her Campus. She graduated with a Bachelor's in Art cica 2019! She is an artistic woman with a passion for FIlm/Cinematogrpahy, as well as writing. Bri Bell tends to write about things she is passionate about whether that be about music, literature, politics, or even random anime recommendations. She is fairly easy going about what she writes, and attempts to stray away from any topics that could have any/all triggers.
Brianna is a Psychology major with a minor in Human Development and Family Studies here at SFA. She is passionate about people and that's how she landed a spot as CC for Her Campus' chapter at SFA! She enjoys hanging out with her cats, getting tattoos, and doing research. Her passion is to help the LGBTQ+ community by focusing on LGBTQ+ health and therapy in the future.