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Finals Have Arrived: How to De-stress

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

Finals have arrived here at SFASU, and it’s safe to say everyone is stressed out to the max. We all need to pass our finals, and when we study too hard, we forget to take care of ourselves. There are better ways to help yourself to study and be well for your finals. That way is to de-stress!

Here are some tips to help you de-stress from all the studying.

1. Think Positively Everyday

Studying for finals, people forget to think positively and not let the stress get to them. Just spending a few seconds  positively thinking about studying, passing your finals, etc. can help you feel a lot less stressed.

2. Laughter!

When you laugh, it lowers tension, and improves blood flow. So do yourself a favor and take a break from studying to watch a funny YouTube video or something.  

3. Spend Time Outdoors

Despite the chilly weather affecting us right now, going outside and taking a minute to take in the environment can help improve your mood. Being outside can also help you relax.  

4. Manage Time Wisely

When studying, you do not need to spend hours at a time on one subject. Some advice: take a break every 20 – 40 minutes into your studying to give your brain a breather, then go back to studying. Do not forget to eat, and keep yourself nourished.

5. Eat!

When studying, a lot of people tend to forget/ forgo eating,  this is an incredibly bad idea! Always make sure to keep yourself well-nourished when studying. Drink some water, eat something light and eat snacks.  

6. Make Time for Hobbies

Everyone has something they like to do, and when you focus all your attention to just studying for that final that counts as 10% of your grade, you forget to indulge. Make time for your hobbies/ interests, they help more than you think.  

7. Stay Away from Bad Substances

It’s not an uncommon thing for us students to turn to other alternatives (i.e. alcohol, drugs, etc.) to fight against our stress. However, that is a terrible idea, and stop thinking such ways! Stray away from harmful substances to fill the stressful void, and do one of the many steps previously mentioned. Also, go easy on the caffeine uptake, and limit yourself; there is such a thing called TOO much coffee.



Bri Bell was a writer for SFASU Her Campus. She graduated with a Bachelor's in Art cica 2019! She is an artistic woman with a passion for FIlm/Cinematogrpahy, as well as writing. Bri Bell tends to write about things she is passionate about whether that be about music, literature, politics, or even random anime recommendations. She is fairly easy going about what she writes, and attempts to stray away from any topics that could have any/all triggers.
Hey there Delilah..  I am a Mass Communication grad student. I work for ESPN3 and have 2 amazing pups, Pepper my hound mix and my doberman, Hercules master of the universe. I enjoy editing videos and the smell of clean sheets.