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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

I’m staying for grad week to help work the commencement address. This is exciting because grad week is a lot of fun, but also very weird because most freshmen don’t get to do this. That means I’m one of the last freshmen left on campus. Most people have already finished their finals, myself included, and left for home, myself not included. My side of the residence hall is entirely freshmen too, meaning I’m one of probably three people still around. My roommate has left too, so I have the room to myself. But it’s very weird. You get so used to living with someone and being surrounded by people that when you aren’t anyway, it’s just weird. I’m not really sure what to do with myself. These gifs will show you what I mean.

Trying to have fun by myself until the other people on campus finish finals and are available to play:


Waiting for my best friend to finish finals and keep me company:


Running around the empty halls like a madwoman:


Finally admitting that I’m all alone:


My almost empty bedroom now that most of everything has been cleared out:


Partying it up once the grad parties finally start:


Realizing my favorite seniors are graduating and leaving me: