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If J. Law Went to Sewanee

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

We’ve all thought about which celebrities we would really hit it off with. For years, I was sure that Miley Cyrus and I would be best friends if only we could meet. Currently, Jennifer Lawrence is at the top of my Celebrity-Friend-Crush List. Actually, I’m pretty sure she’s at the top of everyone’s Celebrity-Friend-Crush List. And if you say that you don’t have a Celebrity-Friend-Crush List, you’re either lying or your life is void of fantasy and excitement, and you should just stop reading this post right now.

Jennifer Lawrence is America’s Sweetheart for many reasons: she’s hilarious, talented, brutally honest, and it doesn’t hurt that she has a rockin’ bod. So what would it be like if J. Law went to Sewanee?

She’d fall a lot.Jennifer Lawrence would definitely wipe out on “frat sludge.” Not only did she take a tumble at the 2013 Oscars, but it happened again this year! If she can’t keep her balance on the red carpet, no way could she stay afoot in 3 inches of beer on a fraternity house floor.

But she’d handle it with poise.

She’d tear up the Pub.Jennifer Lawrence speaks openly–and frequently–about her vivacious appetite. If J. Law went to Sewanee, she’d probably blow through her pub bucks by mid-semester.

You probably wouldn’t find her at Fowler.Jennifer Lawrence has admitted that she hates working out.

But you might spot her walking to the Market.…to buy chips, that is. Jennifer Lawrence reportedly ruined her “American Hustle” gown by getting Dorito dust all over it.

She would be the queen of Sewanee Compliments.As I previously stated, EVERYONE LOVES HER.

But she would give out compliments too.Yeah, on top of everything else, Jennifer Lawrence seems really humble and nice. You just can’t hate her.

She would hate how early McClurg closes at night.(Join the club, sista.)

She would pregame everything.

She might not be crazy about Sewanee’s heavy academic load.Then again, who is?

But she would love the fact that our campus looks like Hogwarts.Obviously Jennifer Lawrence is a huge Harry Potter fan. All the best people are.




Student, blogger, Francophile, word lover, only child, self-admitted stalker, fad dieter, culture maniac, online shopper, Greek yogurt connoisseur, celebrity gossip-enthusiast, cougar, faux fur fan, aspiring European royalty, and Bichon owner.