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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

As Thanksgiving creeps nearer and the threat of quality family time looms over you like a dark storm cloud, just remember: food. More specifically, pie! If you don’t enjoy a good pie from time to time (or everyday) then I suggest you read no more. But if you’re like me and enjoy pie more than anything else on this good earth, then read on! I am here to share my thoughts on various different types of pie. Some are good, some are not as good, but all are decent because pie is awesome.


Pumpkin Pie:

This one right here is a Thanksgiving classic. However, I’d be lying if I said I loved it. It’s just a little too much on the mushy side and takes FOREVER to bake. Of course, you could always just buy one from the store, but where’s the fun in that?

Apple Pie:

Another classic. The best way to enjoy this bad boy is to get a nice warm slice and add a hefty scoop of vanilla ice cream with some cinnamon sprinkled on top. Delicious. Plus, apple pie isn’t super difficult to make. I’d rather have some of this at Thanksgiving than pumpkin pie.

Peach Pie:

Another tasty treat. This is one of my go-to pies when I’m feeling an urge to bake. There’s a ton of different recipes out there to try, but I always recommend using fresh peaches. It’s a bit of a hassle compared to canned peaches but the end result is way better. And peach pie is always fun for the summer.

Key Lime Pie:

This is my favorite pie. I eat it way too much. The dining hall at Sewanee seems to have an endless supply of it and I’ve eaten so much that it’s becoming a problem. I have no control.

Pecan Pie:

Pecans make my mouth itch so I don’t really eat pecan pie too often, but I have made it a few times and I can’t ever seem to get the consistency right. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

Fudge Pie:

This is the pie that my grandma makes better than anyone else. I’m praying that she makes some at Thanksgiving because it’s just too good. It’s so rich and tasty and goes well with just about any flavor of ice cream.

Well…those are some thoughts on pie. Happy Thanksgiving!