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Aaron Burden/Unsplash

Why and How to eat a Thanksgiving Sandwhich

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seton Hall chapter.


Let me start off by saying that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  As someone who eats consistently throughout the day, (as opposed to eating three separate meals) I love food.  I love Thanksgiving.  But more importantly, I love Thanksgiving leftover sandwiches.

I spend most of my life adding carbs to every meal.  I eat eggs on english muffins, soup on saltines, I scrape the cheese off pizza (I am lactose intolerant so this is acceptable for me) and at Panera, my side is always bread.  So when Thanksgiving comes around you can bet I’ll be grabbing some toasted sub rolls to bookend the rest of my meal.

Don’t get me wrong, I always eat the big Thanksgiving meal off a plate.  But my family usually eats this during lunch.  Therefore dinner is my favorite part of the day.


Follow these steps for a foolproof way to create the best meal of the year.

A toasted sub roll

You definitely want whatever bread you use to be large.  There are a lot of different foods at Thanksgiving and most of them are going on this sandwich.  You need room.  And let’s be real, it’s going to be delicious so you’re going to want a lot.  Don’t forget to toast the bread so it doesn’t get too soggy!


Light or dark meat is up to you, but I suggest heating it up before putting on the sandwich.


When someone says, “Thanksgiving,” my brain automatically pictures stuffing.  So obviously lots of that should be in there.

Mashed Potatoes

Like  I said, I spend most of my life adding carbs to meals.  Heap on the mashed potatoes!


During our actual Thanksgiving meal, I pour gravy over every food on my plate.  Remember to heat it up first!


Well they say to hit all the food groups; while green beans normally are NOT my favorite, the ones my grandma makes for thanksgiving with crunchy onions on top are THE BEST.  Might as well throw some of those on the sandwich and make mom happy that you’re eating your vegetables.

Cranberry Jelly

This is the real secret ingredient. While everything else is preheated before hitting the sandwich, and the bread is toasted, cold cranberry jelly offers a nice contrast to the rest of the food.  It works with the gravy to add a nice wet aspect to what could otherwise be a very dry sandwich.

Public relations major, bussiness admin and web design minor, knowledge lover, ring wearer, water drinker, Jersey raised.  Can be found upside down on a yoga mat, walking my dog, snapping photos, or laughing with friends. XO, namaste!