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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seton Hall chapter.

There are a number of women running in the current SGA election.  I spoke with each of the ladies below to see what being a woman in power meant to them.  Here’s the scoop:


Christina Simon running for President of SGA:

Being a woman in leadership means the world to me because it gives me the ability to empower other women and people like me! As a group, women have progressed profoundly throughout recent years, and I take pride in being a woman who can serve as a role model and leader to others within my community.  I hope to inspire other women to step outside of their comfort zones and fine ways to inspire others within their communities.


Violet Reed running for Vice President:

Being a woman in power, to me, means working just a little harder than the men to get your voice heard, to perfect the art of asking for what you want and arranging a million meetings and sending a million emails till you get it, …and to be able to rock business casual. It means being a role model for all other women and having the ability to bring every woman along with you as you climb the power ladder—rather than leaving them behind. Finally, it means never relinquishing a part of yourself when others wrongly accuse you of being bossy, because bossy is just another adjective people use to tell women they’re uncomfortable with how successful they are.


Josie Martinez running for Secretary:

Being a woman in any position of power brings a unique level of influence.  That influence can be used to amplify the voices of those without that privilege.  Being a woman also provides a different perspective on how to use my influence in the pursuit of making a difference for those I represent.


Michelle Pan running for at large senator:

Being a woman in power means a lot to me, especially nowadays when girls are told they can’t do something, just because of their gender.  We’re often faced with the harsh realization that we don’t have the same opportunities as men.  However, that just gives us ladies another reason to go out and conquer the world.


Sara Johnson running for at large senator:

As a student leader in SGA, it is important to me to represent the student body well and to set an example for other students by acting with integrity and grace.  To me, being a woman in power means not only setting an example for the student body as a whole, but also empowering other women on this campus and in the community.  I hope other girls can look up to me and other women in SGA and feel motivated to run for leadership positions in whatever sport, club, or organization in which they may be involved.  I hope to empower other women to speak their minds and to wholeheartedly pursue their goals regardless of whatever barriers or stereotypes may be in their way.  As a woman in SGA, I know that my responsibility is not only that of representing my constituents in the senate, but it is also that of inspiring other women to use their voice, to challenge the barriers and stereotypes, and to pursue their goals.


Alyssa Potenzone running for at large Senator:

Serving as the Student Government Association treasurer this past year, I have realized it’s not so much being powerful that I strive for, but instead to be seen as an equal partner to my male counterparts.  Hopefully, one day it won’t matter what sex you are, but rather that you are the best person for the job.  When you take ownership of your accomplishments, development, and ambition, there’s no limit to what you can accomplish.

Amanda  Moreira running for Arts and Science Senate:

Being a woman in power means that I have the confidence and influence to make an impact on things I care about.  Just being a woman alone makes me ten times prouder to be able to accomplish things that are important to me and the world around me.


Marlene da Cruz running for Arts and Science Senate:

A woman in power is someone who is courageous and not afraid to address issues at hand.  She is a leader, role model, but most importantly a friend whose doors are always open.




Public relations major, bussiness admin and web design minor, knowledge lover, ring wearer, water drinker, Jersey raised.  Can be found upside down on a yoga mat, walking my dog, snapping photos, or laughing with friends. XO, namaste!