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Samantha Power @ SHU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seton Hall chapter.

Samantha Power came and spoke at the Seton Hall School of Diplomacy! But…..who is that? And why should I really care? Well here’s the 411

Who’s Samantha Power?

Samantha Power is the United States Ambassador to the United Nations. So basically she represents the US in all UN events. Power is one of the handful of women to hold this position (girl power), and has a pretty kick ass resume filled with activities she held before this position.

What’d she talk about at SHU?

Well President Obama gave his State of the Union address last week (SOTU – speech on the status of the country) and Power came the day after to speak about the implications of the President’s remarks. Here’s the basis of what she said:

1.       America is still numero uno on the world stage, we’re stronger and safer than ever. (‘murica)

2.       We have to work together with other countries to make things happen; prime example climate change agreement signed in Paris last December.

3.       No more ignoring the problem, we must engage, negotiate, and apply pressure to issue states *cough Cuba cough*

4.       America has to keep our level of morality and be there for the refugee’s trying to escape one of the worst situations in history.

Why is it a big deal for SHU?

Getting a speaker like ambassador Power is a huge deal for the SHU Diplomacy School, which is quickly becoming extremely well regarded within the diplomatic community. The speech drew major press including reporters from: Buzzfeed, NJTV, Associated Press, and News 12.


Samantha Power is a great example of a successful woman thriving in a traditionally male dominated field.  And as collegiate millennial women it’s important for us to be aware of what’s happening in the world! 

While striving to become a high maintenance magazine girl, Rachel in the mean time, is a Senior Diplomacy major at Seton Hall. Obsessions include: her dog, airplanes, horoscopes (Cosmo astrologers are n e v e r wrong), and her sorority. When asked where she plans to be in 10 years Rachel responded "In 10 years I hope I'm either a very successful NYC woman or on vacation...either will do really."