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How to Stay Motivated: To Do’s and Not To Do’s

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seton Hall chapter.

It happens every semester. You come back from your break feeling refreshed and ready to take on the next few months. You tell yourself you won’t procrastinate anymore, you’ll wake up early to be productive, drink more water and all that shenanigans. You think you’re all focused and then bam! Sleeping in ‘til noon and forgetting about an assignment that’s due the next day becomes the norm after the first week of the “new you”. It’s a frustrating cycle that seems inevitable and you always excuse yourself because you see people ranting on twitter about doing the same thing. I’m here to tell you that this isn’t who you are! You are a determined and organized individual who will complete your life goals because you da best. That’s right, I said it. Nobody is as good as you. Whether you believe me or not is up to you, but I’m going to give you a little advice to make it all better and keep you from losing your motivation, just because you deserve it! Life ain’t easy.

If you follow these simple steps, not only will you stay determined to do well but also you will be all around happier.


1.      Go to sleep as early as possible. You’re too good to be walkin’ around with dark circles around your eyes.

2.      Take at least 20 minutes a day to treat yourself. Do a face mask, drink some tea, do anything that you know will make you relax.

3.      If you have a busy day coming up, make a list of what you’re going to have to do. When the day comes, you won’t stress about what to do first.

4.      Get your homework done as soon as it’s assigned. Get it out of the way, so you don’t have to think about it anymore.

5.      Go out of your way to make someone’s day at least once a week. Making others happy will make you happier.

6.      Sit in the front of as many classes as possible. Prof’s are scary but it’ll force you to pay attention and make it look like you care!