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New Year’s Resolutions: A New Way to Accomplish Our Goals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCU chapter.

As the New Year begins, we write down our “New Year’s Resolutions,” the top 5 things we hope to accomplish in this year (10 if you are an ambitious go getter). Some of them consist of “Eat Healthier!,” “Lose 10 pounds”, “Stop Drinking.” All beautiful ideas, but many are overwhelming tasks that may or may not ever happen. We start the year off right writing down a mold for our “dream” person, the emblem and human being we hope to be. Maybe you go to the gym every day for a week or two weeks, maybe you stay on that salad diet for a month but after some time we “forget” and the list gets thrown behind a pile of papers and old tests never to be found again until the next year when we decide to re-write the entire list over again.

However, a couple of days ago, I was talking to a friend about going to the gym later that day when she gave me the best piece of advice — advice so good that I feel the innate need and responsibility to share it with you ladies, too. What if we threw out that year-long laundry list of hopes and dreams and split it up into months. Chose one resolution and vow to commit to it for a month. “Call Mom twice a week”, “Lose 10 pounds” – now the daunting task does not seem so daunting, but much more do-able. A genius plan, am I right?!  

Even if you don’t write New Year’s Resolutions, why not try this new method? It can’t hurt. Try something for a month if it works, great, treat yourself to a cupcake! If it doesn’t, well, better luck next time, on to the next resolution. You have 12 resolutions to cover, at least come next January the possibility of having accomplished at least one or two of the 12 are highly likely as opposed to having lost your list all together.

And lastly, sometimes I feel that among “losing weight” and “eating healthier” we forget some vital resolutions. Some resolutions that we should try to remember:


Treat your body like a temple.

Take the time to be thankful for what you have instead worrying about what you don’t.

Love yourself.

Be the type of person you want to meet.

Smile more often.

Don’t work too hard. Take the time to have some me time (watch Girls, eat that pint of ice cream, stay up until 4 AM…”talking”…YOLO am I right?).


Cheers to starting off 2014 right, being happy and healthy (and to actually accomplishing some resolutions this year)!