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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

Once again, we are back for another round of college education and with that comes the dreaded fear of the interview. Whether it’s for an internship, a job, graduate school or anything else, you are probably going to have do an interview at some point in your life. I am here to give you five tips ranging from what to wear to appropriate mannerisms so that you can ace the interview you’re nervous about.

1. Location, Location, Location

When the day comes that you are going to be interviewed nothing is worse than being early and finding out you have no idea where to go. On top of the nervousness you already have, you are now going to be 10 times more anxious because A) you might be late and B) now you look unprepared. To avoid the embarrassment and catastrophe of not knowing where to go, make sure you locate the place you are meeting the interviewer BEFORE the actual interview day.

2. Wear Appropriate Clothing

Nothing is more important than how you are dressed. Since what you wear says a whole lot about you in an instant first impression, it is important to be dressed professionally and appropriately. For example, don’t wear your cute pair of shorts and a tank to top to any professional interview; it is just not appropriate. However, a blouse and a skirt or a business suit is a good option. Not only are you showing that you are professional, but dressing this way also shows that you care and are prepared for the interview and thus, prepared for a career with the employer of the company. Neutral colors are a go-to safe bet, but a pop of color doesn’t hurt either.



3. Hygiene

Though this is a given, it is still good to point out. Hygiene doesn’t just mean brushing your teeth or cleaning your nails, it also means having neat hair either pulled back, or combed nicely and out of your face. The worst thing you could do while speaking with an interviewer is play with your hair, and I know some of you are guilty of this.



4. Mannerisms

You may not know this (or maybe you do), but body language says a lot about you within the first few minutes of your interview. Body language includes eye contact, handshake strength, and arm or leg movements. If you are squirmy, try to control the fidgeting as it can lead the interviewer to think that you are nervous (which you are), or maybe you don’t have time and are impatient. Eye contact is important as it shows you are connecting with the interviewer. However, don’t stare the interviewer down because that is just creepy. The first impression is a lasting impression. Also, make sure that your handshake is not too weak and not too strong. This is the first sign for the interwar to know if you are going to be a good fit or not. In general, mannerisms play a huge role in how the interviewer views you.

5.Selling Point

During your interview, you should try to promote yourself as a good candidate. A 30-second elevator pitch is a good way to get your point across about who you are without bragging too much. You can brag about what makes you, you, but make sure you are selling the highlights and not every little detail. You can talk more in depth during the interview when the interviewer asks you questions. Don’t be afraid to show what is unique about YOU.  


By following these tips, I hope you have the best of luck. Ace the interview and get the job of your dreams!


Elizabeth Transue is a Communication Broadcasting major with a minor in Political Science at The University of Scranton. Her life changed when she studied abroad in London and fell in love with traveling. She is obsessed with her adorable pug, Chikfila, and her eleven best friends who just so happen to be her housemates. She can't hold a tune or keep a rhythm but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it! Am I right?