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5 Foods To Carve This Halloween Besides A Pumpkin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

If you’re looking for something unique and fun to do with your friends during Halloween season, pumpkin carving is always an option! Recently, there has been a craze with carving other fruits and vegetables instead of the generic pumpkin. Here are some other options for you this year to keep up with the trend.


1. Bell Peppers

Carve out the eyes, nose and mouth after taking out the seeds inside. Want to turn this crafty activity into dinner? Try stuffing the peppers with chili and cheese. Bake them and in no time you and your friends will be eating well!

2. Orange or Grapefruit

Make your brunch with your closest friends special by carving a face into an orange or grapefruit. Use the fruit for some freshly squeezed juice or a simple decoration!



3. Spaghetti Squash

Remember when spaghetti squash was used as a healthy alternative to pasta? Well that’s about to change! Turn your spaghetti squash into the new carved pumpkin. Its shape and size will easily allow you to put them on display outside of your house or apartment for the world to see.


4. Watermelon

Although watermelons aren’t in season in October, they’re a perfect alternative to pumpkin carving. The size is comparable to a pumpkin so it’s perfect!

5. Pineapple

The newest trend for this Halloween season, besides creepy killer clowns, is carved pineapples. The insides are perfect to make a fruit salad as well!

Keep calm and carve on during this Halloween season!

I'm a twenty-year-old junior at the University of Scranton. I aspire to work in public relations after I graduate, as well as travel the world. I grew up on the south shore of Long Island.
Elizabeth Transue is a Communication Broadcasting major with a minor in Political Science at The University of Scranton. Her life changed when she studied abroad in London and fell in love with traveling. She is obsessed with her adorable pug, Chikfila, and her eleven best friends who just so happen to be her housemates. She can't hold a tune or keep a rhythm but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it! Am I right?