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I’m 20-something, still finding myself…and that’s ok!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

So now you’ve reached your 20s or you’re already in your 20s and you are waiting for this magical moment when you will change. Maybe become a unicorn or a werewolf. Or something even more mythical, a super-adult. You hope to gain powers such as financial stability, a great career, and or/a flourishing love life. Well, unfortunately life doesn’t always work out the way you expect. This may not happen for you in your 20s and that is perfectly ok. Everything isn’t going to be perfect at this point because this is honestly the beginning point of your life.

Ok, you’re in your 20’s. Now what?

image courtesy of http://i.imgur.com

You aren’t a “child” anymore. You don’t have curfews and you can finally drink…legally. It’s time to be an adult! All of this is true, but it’s not ideal to put the pressure of having life all figured out on yourself. You shouldn’t skip past this transition period to the next big step in your life. This is the point where you soul search and figure out who you are. This is the point where you learn those hard life lessons and grow into yourself. Go out and experiment. See what calls to your soul. Travel. Have fun. Be selfish. Focus on you while you can. The time will come when you won’t be able to do this.

The questions that are answered in your 20s.

image courtesy of quickmeme.com

What makes me happy? What do I like to do? What do I want to do with the rest of my life? What do I expect in a relationship? How can I achieve my career goals? Am I happy with my major? Where do I want to end up? The list can go on and on but, basically you should be figuring out life. You might think you have it all together but, at this point, you don’t. Use this time wisely.  Trust and believe, many of your peers are doing the same.

But, why them and not me?

image courtesy of memegenerator.net

Ok so maybe not all of your peers are doing the same. You see them on Instagram and Facebook looking like life is just peachy. Well kudos to them but, that’s their life. Best believe they are still figuring things out too. We are all individuals coming from different walks of life with different paths to travel. Don’t let social media and others make you unhappy with your life. First off, most of the time it’s all a façade. Life always looks more glamorous online. Secondly, focus on you. It’s easy to get wrapped up in someone else’s life, but if you turned that energy towards yourself, you’ll see your life becoming more and more how you want it to be. Sometimes we can waste our energy being jealous or sad, when we could’ve been productive.

Preparation is key my dear.

image courtesy of http://knowyourmeme.com

Once again, your 20’s are your time to work hard to reach your full potential, find your purpose, and learn lessons from your many screw ups along the way. It would be awesome if we all came out of the womb these fully developed adults who had life figured out, but that is simply not the case. You can take certain steps to get to that point of course. Going to college, internships, dating, and learning healthy financial planning skills are key steps to achieving that stable life you seek. As for now, learn from your mess ups because when you get it together later down the line, it’ll be that much more sweet.

Shatika McCullough is an advertising major at the Savannah College of Art & Design with a concentration in copywriting. She's a lover of writing, civil rights, poetry, art, paranormal romance books (NOT TWILIGHT!), fashion, anything dealing with the 90's, Motown, and the Hulk (all comics in general honestly). You can follow her @thefunkyabstract on IG.