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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

These last few weeks are normally the most stressful weeks at SCAD. Between finals, packing to go home, and making sure you’re all set for classes and housing in the fall, things can get a little crazy. It’s easy to get caught up in the stress and not leave any time for yourself. That’s only going to make it worse. Try one or two things from this list (or all of them) and just breathe! It will all be over soon.


1. Get a fresh manicure

There’s nothing better. Whether you have a friend paint your nails or you go all out at the salon, you’ll be sure to breathe a little easier when you look at your bright pink nails while you’re taking your art history exam.

2. Go on a Pinterest binge

We all know Pinterest is the best inspiration, so why not spend an hour or three scrolling through boards of images? Who knows, you may get an idea for that project that you’ve been stuck on for weeks.

3. Talk to a friend from home

Here in Savannah we all have the same problems. It’s finals week and we’re stressed. Chances are, your friends from home are done with school and are sitting at home on summer break. They have nothing better to do, so pick up the phone and call them. They just had finals too, so they’ll have some good tips on getting through them without having a complete meltdown.

4. Put clean sheets on your bed

My best nights of sleep are always the ones right after I put clean sheets on my bed. There’s something about the smell of the laundry detergent and feeling the fresh air from outside. When you put clean sheets on your bed, you’re simultaneously making your bed, so you’ll feel all cozy for that afternoon nap before your final class.

5. Indulge in some froyo

Sometimes you just need a little pick-me-up in the form of something cold and sweet. Load it up. No one will judge you, and I bet you can find a group of girls to go with. We all need a trip to La’ Berry. Count me in.

6. Take a late night trip to Tybee

The most wonderful feeling in the world is sitting on the beach at night with your friends listening to the waves. I love that moment in time where you don’t have your phone and you honestly don’t have a care in the world. It’s like a mini-vacation.

7. Clean out your closet

You’re about to pack to go home. Do you really need that shirt you only wore once to that party a year ago? Probably not. I just cleaned out my closet last weekend and it felt so good. Now I know what I have and what I never needed to begin with. It’s hard to part with clothing, but if you donate some of your old pieces to Goodwill, you’ll feel great knowing that someone else is going to wear that skirt a million times more than you did. 

I'm a junior at SCAD Savannah where I study Advertising. I've also been lucky to travel to SCAD Hong Kong for fall quarter of my junior year. This is my second year writing for Her Campus and I'm really enjoying it. I love the Red Sox, country music, playing golf and being with my friends. I hope you enjoy my posts!