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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.


For a person that has been bound to tradition of society the idea of freedom may mean a new way of living for them. To be in bondage is not to only be in physical bondage but could include mental bondage as well. Say a person was in an abusive relationship; this relationship doesn’t have to even be physically abusive it could just me mental. This person has been verbally abused for years and they may have come accustomed to this way of living and at one point in their mind it became normal. At this state they are completely broken and under the abusers control. The only way to get out of this bondage is to love one’s self and to realize that you do not need another human being to show your own worth and at that point you will be truly free. This is a common problem seen in my generation. Many people feel as though their worth needs to be measured off of other opinions and they need to stay in societies standards of living but that itself is another form of bondage.

For a person to shackle themselves means they have a lack of self-love. If you truly appreciate yourself as a human being then you will continue to live freely. Not without rules but without insecurities and worries about what others may feel about you. Freedom is “the quality or state of being free”. My question is , what is freedom really to individuals ? Those in college may feel a form of freedom since they are away from their parents and many student may have their first opportunities to make their own decisions without mommy or daddies say so. This from of freedom comes with a need of responsibility. Another form of freedom is one that those that in physical captivity may receive. Some who have been incarcerated for a long period of time and who are now granted freedom may not know how to behave in their new free state of life. This then leads them to making another mistake to throw them right back into captivity. This is also a mental form of bondage very much related to the mentally abusive relationship scenario. These people that have been incarcerated start to think of this captivity as a routine or a normality and then build a fear of being truly free because as I said before with freedom comes responsibility.

I believe everyone is entitled to have it freedom. Without freedom, we would all be oppressed. Being able to voice our opinions as an impact on the world. One person’s opinion could have the power to change an individual’s life. Although, most people try to control others freedom, is to destroy a person pride. No one deserves to be overpowered by another human being. To be in bondage is to have the absence of freedom and it is up to one’s self to control either or of these states in their lives. I choose to live my life free of insecurities and without society and medias bandage. I choose to live my life the way I think is right, I do not let others words have an effect on me.