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Royal-T gone Casual

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Tired of hearing about elections?


Me too. Let’s not talk about it.

Instead, let’s talk about the First Lady (Still not about elections); Specifically, her fashion choices.

Last weekend, Mrs. O came to the QC for one last democratic rally before Election Day. Her main mission may have been political, but let’s be real—all I (and almost every woman in the field house) could think about was her impeccable beauty. 

I kid you not, the lady is #Flawless by even Beyoncè’s standards.

Naturally, the next thing I took notice of was her outfit. The female face of our country wasn’t wearing a skirt set or a well-tailored pantsuit. Michelle Obama was wearing a baseball T.

A baseball T. What a woman.

Granted, it was probably the most expensive baseball T I’ve ever laid my eyes on. BUT STILL. SHE WAS WEARING A BASEBALL T.

Maybe it was a PR move or maybe it was a lazy Saturday morning; whatever it was, I loved it.

It’s nice to see a woman—one of the most powerful ones in the world—standing in the spotlight wearing something without couture detail or a plunging neckline. Michelle Obama is who she is, and she wore a baseball T in front of hundreds of people, reporters and cameras.

The next time you don’t feel like wearing a blazer, don’t (unless you seriously need to wear the blazer).

If Michelle “#Flawless” Obama can do it, so can you.


I'm Maddi(son). I like to talk, laugh, and eat cake and peanut butter in copious amounts. Call me maybe. 
Her Campus at SAU