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The [hungry girl’s] Thanksgiving Starter Pack

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past week, you’ve heard of the term “starter pack.”


If not, I’ve got your back.

According to Urban Dictionary, a starter pack is defined as: “Certain objects, characteristics, or actions that make up a particular type of person.”

(For more examples, see @TheStartrPack)



For your personal use and enjoyment, I’ve created The [hungry girl’s] Thanksgiving Starter Pack; pictured and described below.

Black leggings: a stretch perfectly suitable for post-potato overload and for posing as the (snug) black dress pants Grandma expects you to wear.

Chunky sweater: Ain’t nobody gonna see your food baby in this bad boy. Side note—you can get one for 50 cents at Salvation Army. I’ve done it.

Bold stud earrings: Let’s draw attention toward that pretty little face of yours and awaaaaaay from the pumpkin pie (?) stain on your chest. MY EARRINGS ARE UP HERE, PEOPLE.

Top knot: Yeah, I’m totally classy and put together! Yeah, I totally showered this morning! Yeah, I’m just trying not to get any gravy in my hair.


Happy Turkey Day, everybody!

I'm Maddi(son). I like to talk, laugh, and eat cake and peanut butter in copious amounts. Call me maybe. 
Her Campus at SAU