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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

We are finally in the homestretch! While it may seem like a good idea to work on that research paper for 4 hours straight, this is actually counterproductive. Overworking your brain won’t allow you to reach your full potential. You might be able to finish that paper earlier that you thought, but the quality is only going to be satisfactory.

Taking breaks while preparing for finals is not something that you want to do, but need to do. The Pomodoro Technique is one of many time management methods that you can use to survive this week. The Pomodoro Technique is simple. For every 20-25 minutes you spend working, give yourself a 3-5 minute break. After your fourth 25 minute session, give yourself a 15-30 minute break.

For those longer breaks, here are some things you can do instead of stalk Instagram:

1.       Take a walk around campus

The fresh air and sunshine will work wonders on your tired brain. Sound body, sound mind.


2.       Pack



If you use this break time to start packing up your room, you’ll thank yourself later. Eliminating the stress of packing now will start off your summer on the right note.


3.       Indulge in a treat


Now is the time where you can eat an entire sleeve of Oreo’s because “It’s finals week” is the ultimate excuse.


4.       Call a friend you’ll see this summer

Whether you guys chat about that girl from high school that just got engaged, or you vent to each other about all the sh*t you still have to do, you’ll feel a lot better when you hang up.




Try out the Pomodoro Technique for yourself and see how much more productive you can be. Good luck with finals my fellow Bees!

Hey there, I'm Lindsey! I'm obsessed with teacup pigs, I'm the queen of thrift shopping, and sometimes people call me Loinsberry.
Her Campus at SAU