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Five Truths About Keeping Your Long Distance Relationship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

It doesn’t matter how far away you are from one another, if you don’t get to see the person you love every day due to distance then you’ve found yourself in a long distance realtionship. Being in an LDR is hard and makes the realtionship itself fault at points, but I can promise you that in the end, if you truly love that person and believe that they are worth all of your effort and time, then it will be worth it. You will get jealous of those who get to see them every day, and you will envy that, but soon enough that will be you. Here are five simple things that can make your LDR work.

1. Communication is key!

     Whether its texting throughout the day, calling eachother before you go to bed, writing letter, or even Skyping, stay connected. You will slowly learn about everything that happens in your significant others life and you will learn to appreciate the little things. The little things being a goodmorning text, a simple “I miss you”, or just the sound of their voice over the phone. A lot of people who get to see their significant other on a daily basis often don’t take advantge of it.

2. Don’t freak out

      They don’t text you back right away or don’t answer your phone call the first time? DO NOT freak out. Your may be so many miles from each other, but that does not mean that you need to stay connected 24 hours a day. More than likely there was a reason you are so far apart, whether its a job, the military, or college, thus they do have a life beyond you. No, that does not mean that there are somewhere with another person and ignoring you, it purely means that they are busy. Believe me, if they weren’t busy then they would more thank likey respond/answer in a heartbeat. 

3. Know their schedule

     Whether it’s their class, work, or training schedule, know it. There is no better feeling than when someone knows what you have going on that day or when they ask how some class, shift, or event went. Also, if you know their schedule you know when they are busy, thus a solution to freaking out as I talked about before. 

4. Listen

     When you’re listening to them talk, about anything, make sure you listen. Whether it’s about a movie that they want to see, their favorite song at the time, or the drama that is going on in their life, listen. There’s nothing you want less than making someone angry because you aren’t paying attention to what they are saying to you. It makes them feel as though you don’t care enough to listen to what they have to say or about what is going on in their lives. Also, when you do listen, try to remember as much as you can. There’s no better feeling than having someone remember something that you brought up a few weeks earlier, it makes you feel special and appreciated. 

5. Plan trips

    It can be planned or it can be a total surprise. Nothing compares to the moment when you finally see your significant other after a long period of time. Their face will light up when they see you and you’ll never want to let go when you finally get that hug that you’ve wanted for the past few months. Although it may be hard to say goodbye all over again, it will be worth is. Take full advantage of your time together and make every second count.

Love has no distance.



Hi my name is Vic(Tori)a. I enjoy eating endless amouts of potato chips and regretting it afterwards, shopping even when I can't afford it, and checking things off my to-do list.
Her Campus at SAU