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The Cost of a College Degree: Is it Worth It?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

The argument over the cost of secondary education is ongoing. Many people believe that everyone has the right to as much education as they’d like, and that it should be free. Before I got to St. Ambrose, I may have argued this as well. It was crazy to think that just one class was going to put me close to $3,000 in the hole. Times five classes, two semesters, and four years. Plus, room and board and the cost of living. There is no question that college is pricey. But, life is pricey.

College is the first time we find this out for ourselves. We’ve all made the mistake of leaving our credit card open at Carriage for the night. The following week we learned how to eat on no money with the world’s worst week-long hangover. Mistakes are made and lessons are quickly learned. A lot of growing up is done in these four years. But when it comes down to it, when finished, you will be worth more than your degree.

This may or may not be justification for the fact that we pay a ridiculous amount of money for a piece of paper with our name on it. For me, it’s reassuring to think that there is more to these four years than the abundance of information that went in one ear and out the other.

Here’s to all of us for learning life the hard way, in hopes that it will all work out.