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Beauty Buzz: Don’t Turn Into a Krusty Krab this Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Chapped lips and cracked skin…we aren’t in Bikini Bottom, just the Midwest.

As it gets colder and drier outside, our skin and lips begin to feel the pain. Constant lotion application and a serious chapstick dependency may look strange to some, but here we just get it.

There are plenty of products that we can choose from when it comes to protecting and moisturizing, but here are some trendy and well known products to combat our issues with the cold.

For skin:

As much as we try to convince ourselves that the frigid breeze in the morning is an awesome way to wake up as we walk to our morning classes, once we get inside we can feel our skin already cracking and wishing we stayed in bed. Here are some quick ideas that can change up your routine and provide some relief as you fight this winter out.

  • Soaps and Lotions: Dove, Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula, Aveeno, and Cetaphil all have countless products that can bring your skin some much needed refeshment.
  • Body Butter: Hi, we know who you are, the relief you bring, and have about 18 hidden in our rooms because we can’t admit that we have a problem with moisturizing. From Clinique to Dove, there are so many choices and scents we just have to buy them all, right?

For lips:

Chapstick, what is that? Definitely not every girl’s best friend….

Some of the best chapsticks are seen all around campus, probably in your pocket, purse, car, and every single place possible for them to get lost. Some soothing and calming balm brands are:

  • Burt’s Bees
  • Blistex
  • Palmer’s Cocoa Butter (thanks Her Campus fall survival kit)
  • Beessential

None of these are going to immediately moisturize your skin, or give you that summer glow and moisture that you crave…but they are great aids as we fight through the cold and wonder why we don’t live on the west coast.

Do your best not to shrivel up like SpongeBob, and buzz on Bees. 


Photos courtsey of: chapstickchatter.wordpress.com, spongebob.wikia.com, comicbookmovie.com

My name is Kat and I chose to live the dream at St. Ambrose University.  During college I spent my time working, writing and enjoying time with friends.
Her Campus at SAU