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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

We all hate those mornings when we wake up and look in the mirror to find the worst…a pimple. Normally the big mountain of evil comes just before a job interview or a big presentation. Being in college, we have busy and stressful lives, so sometimes we can’t afford to spend time and money on these grandiose acne relievers. So, I have compiled a simple and affordable list of ways to stay acne free.




1. Wash your face


Yes, I know this is super obvious, but you would be surprised about how many ladies don’t wash their face.



2. Wash your pillowcase

Washing your pillowcases gets rid of all the dirt and oils you have on your face during the night (or your Netflix binge sessions).




Tryt stay away from soda and alcohol. Stick to the good stuff, H2O. The water will hydrate your skin and detox all of those impurities.


4. Clean your makeup brushes

This is a habit you should definitley get into. It’ll gross you out when you see all of that old makeup spilling out into the drain.


5. Don’t pick

As I am telling you not to pick, my roommate is currently picking her pimple right now. It is hard to not get rid of the giant goiter on your face, but just think about all the bacteria that you are letting into your skin. Just take my advice and don’t do it.


I'm Hannah.I enjoy Zumba, Netflix and chill, Popcorn, and Mott's Medley fruit snacks.Oh...and naps.
Hey there, I'm Lindsey! I'm obsessed with teacup pigs, I'm the queen of thrift shopping, and sometimes people call me Loinsberry.