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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

This semester, I felt a bit off, more than I expected. I took 18 credit hours of classes and I am working every morning at a day-care from 7:15 to 8:30 a.m. I also am very social while trying to stay involved in as much as possible. I try my best to always get with my friends and be there for them whenever they may need it and I try to get involved on campus, while still managing to call my family. Now this may only seem like a little compared to others, but for me this is a lot. Here are a few things that I do to keep sane and get enough sleep, get everything done and have a fulfilling social life.


1. Keep a very detailed planner 

Having a detailed planner is the way that I get everything done and also remember everything. I am one of the most forgetful people out there, so once I get out of class I could instantly forget what my assignments are. I keep all of my syllabus in my planner because most teachers will give you a daily schedule on what the assignments are. Once the class is wrapping up I am constantly making notes in my planner for what I have to do that night for homework or things that are coming up in the class. Along with any dates that I have planned with my friends or even the simplest of things like shopping I write everything down so then I know what to expect for that night or for the next upcoming days.


2. Set different hours for different activities

One thing that helps me is always planning out my evenings, down to every hour. Planning at least 3-4 hours for homework, an hour to eat, and hour to nap, and then the rest of my time I try to spend time with my friends because you can’t not have any fun. This way it gives me a little discipline to what I have to do and what I can do.


3. Have study groups with friends

Having study groups with friends is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. This way you can also get a lot of homework done but you also don’t miss out on any time with your friends. Along with when you get too stressed while studying it is nice to have your friends around just to keep ya clam and help you all the way through your tough study breaks.


4. Know when to say yes and when to say no 

One thing I have always struggled with and sometimes tend to still is when to say no to others asking me to do stuff so I don’t blow off homework. Because most of the time you think you can get everything done in one night but next thing you know, its 2 AM and you still haven’t started your homework. So you need to know when and how to say no and your friends should always understand you needed to do homework over hanging out.


5. Have me time 

The most important thing that I think almost all of us forget to do it take a little time to ourselves. There is nothing wrong with going away from everything all together. It is perfectly okay to want to just lay in bed or take a shower or just sit on your floor and stare at your feet awhile. As college students we are always on the go and sometimes it is okay to just take a breather and relax!


Photos: planner, time, friends, no, spa 

Her Campus at SAU