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4 Ways to “Bee” Green at SAU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

The weather is already becoming beautiful, and nothing inspires us to be more active and motivated than some sunshine. This summery weather in February, though nice, is pretty alarming. Now more than ever we are seeing the effects of Global Warming. But, you can help. Attending St. Ambrose means there is a plethora of opportunities for you to “Bee Green” and take steps towards being environmentally conscious. Here’s a few ideas in case you don’t know where to start.


1. Recycle

At St. Ambrose, it’s super easy to recycle any paper, plastic, or aluminum products as most dorms have large recycling bins everywhere. You don’t even need to sort the products, just toss them!

2. Shorten Your Showers

Let’s face it, you’re already running late and your roommate is waiting on you to get out of the bathroom anyways, so zip through your shower a little faster and save some water waste.


3. Lights Out

Turn your lights and TV off when you’re not using them. It’s so easy and will save some wasted energy.


4. Enjoy the Fresh Air

When the weather is nicer, turn your heating/air system off and open all the windows in your dorm. It’s so much more refreshing and saves a ton of energy.

4. Join the Green Life Club

If you need any other inspiration to become more environmentally friendly, join the Green Life Club on campus. Check out their page for more tips!

Source: Cover Photo, Ambrose