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10 Things Non-Ambrosians Just Don’t Understand

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

St. Ambrose Univesity is a private, Catholic university. Makes enough sense, right? Right. However, along with this small, liberal arts college comes some things that non-SAU students just might not understand.

1. The excitement that comes along with nugget day in the caf.

The line is long, but the nuggies are worth it – every darn time.

2. The bee puns.

They’re not just corny, they’re a way of life.

3. That dreary feeling of registering for classes.

Will I get the classes I need even though my last name starts with B and A-F pick last this time? I don’t want to get stuck with an 8:00 a.m. Wow, this is worse than the Hunger Games.

4. Cliff.

Wait, so you’re telling me you don’t hug your lunchroom staff on a daily basis?

5. The stress that comes with picking next year’s room.

Do we want to be close to the laundry room or the elevator? What are our second, third, fourth, and fifth options?

6. The walk across Timmerman field on a cold day.

While this may not apply to freshmen, upperclassmen were constantly torn over the decision in previous years. Do I play it safe and walk around or do I risk the fall and trek across the icy tundra?

7. The mysteries of Ambrose Hall.

Did a nun really die in the swimming pool years ago? Is the building actually haunted? Can anyone walk up to the fourth floor without being out of breath? — Questions that almost nobody knows the real answers to.

8. Wednesday’s dollar bottles and Thursday’s 3-for-1s.

No, we’re not alcoholics. We just know a good deal when we see one.

9. Parking.

“You have a parking pass, why’d you get a ticket?” I may have a parking pass, but that doesn’t mean I’ll find a spot. Finding a spot after 7:00 p.m. on a weeknight is like winning the lottery. I wish I could say that I was kidding.

10. Knowing (almost) everybody you walk past.

Yes, I know the majority of people on campus. No, I’m not popular. When you go to school with only a few thousand people, you end up seeing the same dozen people on your walks to and from class. While this may seem positive, this also means no ugly days because you always see someone you know.



*Shoutout Giphy and Tumblr for the images.

I'm Amanda, a junior PR major at St. Ambrose. I enjoy long walks on the beach and queso.
Her Campus at SAU