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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Diego chapter.

The second most anticipated thing about Coachella after the announcement of the line up is anticipation of the festival fashion. Celebrities and common folk alike spend hours layering the latest trends together to create the perfect outfit. Whether you attended Weekend 1 or 2, you definitely put time and effort into adorning your body with what many would deem to be ‘Chella Chic. Even if you couldn’t make it, I’m sure your news feed was full of people who did! From head to toe, we got you covered on the latest trends seen in Coachella Valley 2015.


Flower Headbands

Reflective Sunglasses


Silver Statement Necklaces


Flash Tattoos & Body Jewelry

Co-ords (2 Piece Sets)




Denim High-Waited Shorts
