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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Diego chapter.

Our skin is a sensitive and touchy subject… literally! Whether you have a rigorous, religious routine or do absolutely nothing, you may be committing one of these 7 deadly sins of skincare without even knowing it.

1. Failure to Moisturize

Dry, rough, and chapped skin can be a huge turn-off while smooth skin is a sexy turn-on. People with a greasy face may argue that moisturizing only enhances that, but in fact, applying moisturizer protects your skin from the elements and provides the hydration your skin needs so that it will not produce excess oil to compensate. At the same time, over-moisturizing can clog pores. Just know moderation is key!

2. Over-Active Face Washing

Washing your face is part of a solid skincare regimen as it keeps your face feeling fresh and clean. It seems counter-intuitive, but over washing can dry out your face and cause you to break out more. Washing once in the morning and once before bed with cold water, not hot, should be sufficient for a hydrated, healthy face.

3. Picking, Popping, Plucking

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Needless to say, messing with your skin can create scarring, which will only prolong the healing process. Plus, bumping a blemish may actually irritate it more and cause increased redness. Remember, patience is a virtue.

4. Bad Eating and Sleeping Habits

As college students, it is challenging to always eat a balanced diet and get proper sleep. Over time, our habits definitely takes a toll on our skin. The healthier the foods you eat, the healthier your skin. Be sure to eat your antioxidant rich foods like berries, dark green and orange vegetables, tea, whole grains, and fish. The better your night’s sleep (think 8-10 hours), the fresher your face will look. Stress, from a lack of sleep, can also cause our skin to produce free radicals (not radical things). HINT: Beauty sleep is a real thing, people!

5. Sleeping with Makeup On

Not only does passing our with your foundation caked on your face cause breakouts, but also premature aging… YIKES! A clean face and clear pores help keep us looking younger for longer.

6. Saving Sunscreen for the Summer

If you want to keep your skin from premature aging and prevent wrinkles, then the solution is simple: wear sunscreen! Everyday we are exposed to UV rays and the only way to avoid permanent spot damage is to protect your skin with SPF 15 and above.

7. Taking Long, Hot Showers

Staying in for too long combined with HOT water depletes the natural oils of the body and hair. Try to limit shower time to around 10 minutes at a warm (not hot) temperature, which will also help the environment. #gogreen