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How People Feel About Chipotle’s New Queso

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

In my public relations class with Colleen Fitzpatrick (HIGHLY recommend the class, btw), Colleen always starts the class with “Any PR news to share for today?” This week, the biggest PR news was the new queso at Chipotle. On Wednesday, several members of the class vowed to try it, and on Friday, they reported back their thoughts-is it liquid gold or cheesy trash? Let’s just say any PR the new queso brought in for Chipotle is NOT good.

“It tasted like broccoli cheddar soup,” one girl said. “It’s literally the worst queso I’ve ever tried,” said another.


And its not just the PR belles who are hating on the queso. Twitter, or where I always go when I’m curious about how people feel about something, had some stuff to say about this melted cheese. Just look at some of these tweets:

Yikes. I personally haven’t tried the new queso, but considering it costs a whole $1.25 in addition to my meal, I’m not sure I’m willing to try it, especially if it’s “trash” that tastes like broccoli cheddar soup.

Have you tried the new Chipotle queso? Maybe it’s not so bad and people are just so overreacting, but this release definitely had a lot of hype that wasn’t lived up to. At least Chiptoel still has their guac- that will ALWAYS be worth the extra.  



Colleen Zewe

Saint Mary's '18

I love fall, holidays, PSLs and forcing my dog to take pictures with me for Snapchat.