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Finding Your Own Style: A.K.A – A Long Journey

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

Up until I was in the 10th grade, I must have been 16 years old by then, I had no care for fashion or my appearance. Although I do not consider fashion to be a major part of my life, I do choose to indulge in it because that is what I want to do. That is what I want to stress, you can love fashion or not as long as it is what you want.

 When I was just getting into the clothes I was wearing, I had no idea what it is I wanted to look like. I did not know what clothes I wanted to wear, the image I wanted people to see of me, or the idea people I wanted to know or follow. I think for me that was partly why it took so long for me to dress how I felt and how I imagined. I was too caught up in how I wanted someone else to see me than what I wanted to see, I took too much inspiration from someone else and did not use my own personality as inspiration. I have my style idols but I realized I wanted to dress in a style similar to them not like them, and this realization lead me to dress and look how I always wished I could. It boosted my self-esteem and my mental health by numbers I cannot explain. I dress for me and myself and not for anyone else if someone just so happens to like what I wear that is an added bonus but I loved what I wore first.

It is difficult for someone young or even someone older than me to discover what the look they are going for is. And, I find that sometimes even still how I want to dress and the clothes I have and can afford are two different properties. But, there is compromise.

For straight-sized girls and plus-sized girls, it is so important to find people with similar body types to you and how they dress themselves. In fact even if the body they have is not similar to yours looking at the outfits they wear and making modifications can start you on the journey to personal style. I recommend for the plus-sized girls to shop online there are many stores that sell clothes on the internet that start at size 14 and end at 32, a wide range of space not too mention they can be a lot cheaper. I just want female-identified individuals to feel as good about their closet as I do. I really like clothes and fashion they make me feel good about myself and if they make you feel good too, then finding the style that you made up and is designed for your body on your terms will change your closet forever.

Zaria Cornwall is a fourth year English student at Ryerson University. She identifies as a 'she' and uses she/her/they pronouns. She considers herself a woman of colour with varied identity minors and is interested in such topics dealing with these ideas. You will see her write articles on: queerness, racialized identity, mental health, body positivity, and school life. She also happens to love international music, so, maybe an article on that too. Follow her on twitter at @rsuzaria.
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