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Picnic Basket Hack Guide for Scarlet Knights

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

With the weather FINALLY letting up and becoming warmer, the flowers are in full bloom, and the grass is green again, it brings along picnic season.

Here’s your guide to sprucing your life up and enjoying the nice weather while munching away those meal swipes.

Location: There are plenty of green grassy spots to relax at, especially the Engineering Lawn! 
Food: Swipe a wrap at Woody’s and bring it with you to enjoy outside!

Location: If you’re not feeling the grass, there are other places to relax at too near the Plaza and around the student center, ranging from stone benches to the stone steps.
Food: Swipe at Rock Cafe or get fancy at Kilmer’s Market and make a salad or get one of their delicious sandwiches!
College Ave
Location: If you don’t feel like relaxing on Bishop Beach, or near the Raritan at the base of the river dorms, you can head towards the Voorhees Mall and chill with Will(y the Silent).
Food: This is where your RUexpress comes in handy. Check out any of the restaurants on Easton before enjoying that delicious taco/burger/sandwich/salad/wrap/thai takeout at your picnic.
Location: If you’re tired of the mainstream Passion Puddle, you’re in luck! A favorite grassy area with stone steps that border it is Antilles Field. You can find it behind Voorhees Chapel and get a glimpse of the Raritan as well.
Food: Swipe at the Douglass Cafe for one of their delicious sandwiches (hot or cold) or even nachos!
Location: Near the Food Science building, there is a large grassy field, where after eating, you can always visit the cute calves and other animals Rutgers has!
Food: Cook Campus Center has legendary quesadillas along with other amazing sandwiches that you can swipe!
Grab a blanket, pop an allergy pill, and find your friends, it’s picnic time!


Part grandma who enjoys baking, knitting, cats, and scarves while also part child who still can't handle anything remotely scary and always needs a blanket.
Born and raised in Northern New Jersey, Faith attends Rutgers University in New Brunswick, where she plans to major in Psychology and minor in Philosophy and Criminology.  Faith enjoys writing and traveling. She loves cats, books, and the color blue. In the future, Faith would like to attend law school.